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德国港口集团合并遇阻,HHLA, Eurogate谈判陷入僵局丨港口装卸机械
2022-01-07 来源:港口装卸机械


It is reported that "cooperation" talks are on hold as Eurogate "needs more time to consider matters"。

直到今年 11 月,HHLA 的首席执行官安吉拉·蒂茨拉特 (Angela Titzrath) 才表示,她对与 Eurogate 的讨论“持乐观态度”。“我认为有可能,”她说,“在大家的善意下,意向书仍然可以在今年年底前签署。”

It was only in November this year that HHLA’s CEO Angela Titzrath said she was "optimistic" about discussions with Eurogate. "I think it possible" she said, "that with everyone’s goodwill, a letter of intent can still be signed before the end of this year.”

汉堡财政参议员 Andreas Dressel 甚至在推特上表示,“HHLA 和 Eurogate 之间的谈判正在进行中”,而双方自己也同意让公众保持沉默,以免影响他们的讨论。

Hamburg’s Senator for Finance Andreas Dressel even tweeted that the "negotiations between HHLA and Eurogate are well under way," while the parties themselves agreed to public silence in order not to prejudice their discussions.

然而,现在城市报纸《汉堡阿本德布拉特》报道说,由于 Eurogate 需要更多时间进行考虑,谈判陷入僵局。

Now, however, city newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt has reported that the talks have stalled because Eurogate wants additional time for consideration.

从未正式公开的是讨论的范围。它只涉及汉堡的 Eurokai,还是整个 Eurogate?然而,很明显,后者是Deutsche Bucht想法的复兴,但加入了威廉港。汉堡经济事务参议员 Michael Westhagemann 表示,这不仅仅是两家公司的合并,而是 Eurokai、BLG和 HHLA。

What has never officially been made apparent is the scope of the discussions. Does it just concern Eurokai in Hamburg, or the whole of Eurogate? Clearly, however, it is the latter - a revival of the Deutsche Bucht idea, but with Wilhelmshaven thrown in. Michael Westhagemann, Hamburg’s Senator for Economic Affairs, has said that it is not just a merger of two companies, but of Eurokai, BLG and HHLA.

据了解,Thomas Eckelmann 对作为唯一一家参与其中的私营部门参与者 Eurokai 作为 CTH Hamburg 的所有者和 Eurogate 50% 所有者的未来角色感到担忧。BLG 由不来梅市 100% 拥有,而汉堡市拥有 HHLA 69% 的股份。Eckelmann 家族是唯一涉及的私人所有者,而他们的同龄人实际上是公务员。此外,尽管苦苦挣扎,威廉港集装箱码头作为德国唯一的深水港,是未来“皇冠上的宝石”。Eurokai 真的希望看到 HHLA 入股吗?汉堡的政治反对派和工会 Ver.di 反对合并,因为他们担心不来梅港和汉堡的工作岗位和集装箱数量会减少,而转而支持威廉港的 JadeWeserPort。

It is understood that Thomas Eckelmann is concerned about the future role of Eurokai, the only private sector player involved, as the owner of CTH Hamburg and a 50% owner of Eurogate. BLG is 100% owned by the city of Bremen, while the city of Hamburg has a 69% stake in HHLA. The Eckelmann family is the only private owner involved, while their peers are, in effect, civil servants. Furthermore, for all its struggles, Container Terminal Wilhelmshaven is the future "jewel in the crown" as Germany’s only deep water port. Does Eurokai really want to see HHLA grab a stake in it? The political opposition in Hamburg and the trade union Ver.di oppose the merger, as they fear loss of jobs and container volumes in Bremerhaven and Hamburg in favour of JadeWeserPort in Wilhelmshaven.

Eurogate 的一位发言人仅表示,“Eurogate 与 HHLA 以及股东之间关于谅解备忘录的谈判将持续到 2022 年。”

A spokesperson for Eurogate said only that "negotiations over a memorandum of understanding between Eurogate and HHLA and the shareholders will continue into 2022."

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