加泰罗尼亚政府与巴塞罗那市和 Prat de Llobregat 市的市政当局就巴塞罗那港的多式联运物流发展达成了城市总体规划 (PDU)。
The CATalan government and the municipal authorities of the cites of Barcelona and Prat de Llobregat have agreed an Urban Master Plan (PDU) for the development of intermodal logistics at the Port of Barcelona
经过两年的谈判,该计划获得通过。该计划的各个方面的实施最终可能会导致创建不少于六个增强型多式联运码头,其中一个将是全新的。经过公众咨询,该计划预计将在 2023 年第一季度获得最终批准。
The plan was agreed following two years of negotiations. Implementation of aspects of the plan could eventually lead to the creation of no fewer than six enhanced intermodal terminals, one of which will be entirely new. Following public consultation, definitive approval for the plan is expected to be made during Q1 2023.
已认捐 6 亿欧元,但尚未确定资金来源。如果一切顺利,通往港口的铁路通道将大大改善,穿越城市的卡车交通将大大减少。该计划涉及近 69 公顷的土地,至少会建造一个多式联运码头,另外还有五个升级。
A sum of €600M has been pledged, although no sources for the funding have yet been identified. If all goes ahead, there would be much-improved rail access to the port and far less truck traffic crossing the city. Almost 69-ha of land are involved in the scheme, which will see at least one more intermodal terminal built and another five upgraded.
PDU 的主要目标是看到铁路在港口的交通份额从 15% 增加到 30%,大约有 400,000 个集装箱和 46,000 辆半挂车从公路转向铁路。2020 年,铁路运输了 269,304 个标准箱。成品车交通也应受益,其中 42% 已经通过铁路运输。
The main objective of the PDU is to see rail’s share of traffic at the port double from 15% to 30%, with around 400,000 containers and 46,000 semi-trailers to switch from road to rail. In 2020, rail hauled 269,304 TEU. Finished vehicles traffic should also benefit, with 42% already moved by rail.
该计划将升级通往港口南部的公路和铁路通道,并改善铁路和多式联运码头的接收和调度,这将有助于减轻莫罗特、坎突尼斯和拉拉戈斯塔现有设施的压力。预计所有计划的工作将在 2025 年左右完成,招标将于 2023 年发布。
Included in the plan will be upgraded road and rail access to the south of the port as well as improved reception and dispatch at rail and intermodal terminals, which will help reduce the strain on existing facilities at Morrot, Can Tunis and La Llagosta. It is expected that all planned work will have been implemented by around 2025, with tenders to be issued in 2023.
该计划是所谓的地中海铁路走廊计划的一部分,该计划将允许在巴塞罗那和萨拉戈萨之间运行长达 7.5 亿欧元的列车,其中已经花费了 3000 万欧元。
The plan forms part of the plan for the so-called Mediterranean Rail Corridor, which will allow block trains of up to 750m in length to be operated between Barcelona and Zaragoza, where €30M has already been spent.
据港务局称,在过去 10 年中,其多式联运战略已经减少了 280 万次 HGV 在当地道路上的行程。仅在 2020 年,铁路就取代了 175,000 辆 HGV,这意味着每天减少 700 辆 HGV。这也意味着每年减少 42,700 吨二氧化碳排放。
According to the port authority, in the last 10 years, its intermodal strategy has taken 2.8M HGV trips off local roads. In 2020 alone, rail replaced 175,000 HGV movements, which meant 700 fewer HGVs daily. This also meant 42,700 tpa of CO2E were eliminated.