挪威铁路和基础设施管理局Bane NOR已为Alnabru多式联运码头订购了两台Kunz半自动轨道吊。Alnabru联运码头位于奥尔索(Olso)附近,是挪威最大的联运物流枢纽,年吞吐量超过45万TEU,其中90%由Cargonet(N)和Greencargo(S)运输。
Bane NOR, Norway’s rail track and infrastructure authority, has ordered two semi-automated RMGs for Alnabru Intermodal Terminal from Kuenz.LoCATed near Olso, Alnabru Intermodal Terminal is Norway’s biggest intermodal logistic hub, with a throughput of more than 450,000 TEU equivalent per year, up to 90% of which comprises swap bodies and trailers, transported by Cargonet (N) and Greencargo (S).
The two 30 year-old existing cranes will be replaced by two new Kuenz semi-automated RMG cranes, which will be provided without an onboard cabin. The cranes will be operated by the terminal operator from a remote operating station (ROS). This is aimed at improving the terminal’s productivity at lower costs, while improving safety via a dediCATed concept and an efficient camera system. Such systems have already been successfully implemented on a number of Kuenz intermodal RMGs in Europe and the US.
两台RMG都具有32.52m的铁路跨度,12.8m的单悬臂,并且将配备piggyback吊具。TOS / CMS接口将兼容可靠的数据流和跟踪系统。
Both RMGs will feature a non-spanned double girder, a rail span of 32.52m, a single cantilever of 12.8m and they will be equipped with a piggyback spreader. A TOS/CMS interface will allow both reliable data flow and tracing.
Kuenz的区域销售经理Vincent Pelletier表示:“由于我们起重机的质量,我们在多式联运市场上的广泛和长期经验以及专门用于多式联运码头的成熟自动化解决方案,Kuenz赢得了Bane NOR的信任。
Vincent Pelletier, Area Sales Manager at Kuenz, said: “Bane NOR has placed its trust in Kuenz due to the quality of our cranes, our wide and long experience in the intermodal market and the proven automation solutions dediCATed for intermodal terminals.
"We are delighted to participate in the modernisation of Alnabru Intermodal Terminal and further strengthen our presence in Scandinavia, having already delivered two cranes to Stockholm and two to Malm? in Sweden.”
Civil works and crane assembly will take place more or less at the same time, so the cranes will be assembled on a dediCATed area not far away from their operating rail tracks. Once the new rails are installed, the cranes will be moved by an SPMT onto the tracks, almost ready for operation.
They are due for delivery in Q2 2022, says Kuenz.