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苏格兰客户购买JCB新型150X HD挖掘机
2021-02-08 来源:中国工程机械商贸网

作为JCB的老客户,苏格兰D.&I. Bain公司近期购买了全新的JCB 150X HD挖掘机。该公司仍保有一台1966年产的JCB 7挖掘机。

JCB与D.&I. Bain的合作关系已有56年之久,该公司于1964年购买了第一台JCB(3C Mark 1),此后又购买了40多台机器。经典的JCB 7挖掘机是在拍卖行购买的,然后经过精心修复,并自豪地陈列在D.&I. Bain的总部。这台机器预计运行了10,000多小时,可以正常演示。

该公司对新型X系列机型的行业领先的性能印象深刻,新购买的JCB 150X HD挖掘机将用于一系列林业和道路工程项目。

D.&I. Bain主管Garry Bain说:“150X HD的液压系统非常平稳。驾驶室布置得非常好,操作起来非常舒适。 JCB机器非常适合我们,我们的当地经销商距离我们只有10分钟的路程。150X挖掘机在我们的工作中表现非常出色。”

JCB 150X的优势在于:驾驶室更宽,提供全天舒适性,驾驶室降噪效果高达68%,而且可降低总拥有成本。直径增加的高流量管道减少了系统损失并提高了效率,生产率提高了6%。

本文源自Earthmovers Magazine,原文如下:

New JCB 150X HD joins classic excavator

by Kyle Molyneux

A leading Scottish contractor’s enduring loyalty to JCB’s tracked excavators has been cemented with the purchase of a brand new JCB 150X HD. The new machine joins an original 1966 JCB 7 excavator in the fleet Muir of Ord-based contracting and plant hire company, D. & I. Bain.

The relationship with D. & I. Bain spans more than 56 years, with the company buying its first JCB – a 3C Mark 1 – in 1964 and showing great loyalty to the brand ever since, investing in more than 40 machines. The classic JCB 7 excavator model was purchased at auction before being lovingly restored and placed proudly on display at D. & I. Bain’s headquarters. It is believed to be one of just seven models still in existence worldwide and features sealed for life track rollers, cab safety glass and boasts speed options of 1 or 2.25mph. The machine, which is estimated to have clocked more than 10,000 hours can be demonstrated in full working order. 

While the JCB 7 remains one of D. & I. Bain’s favourite ever machines, the company is said to be highly impressed with the industry-leading performance of the new X Series model. Supplied by dealer Scot JCB, it is being used on a range of forestry and roadworks projects for local councils.

D. & I. Bain Director, Garry Bain said, “We wanted something heavier and ‘beefier’ than a 13-tonne machine but not as big as the 220X. The hydraulics in the 150X HD are very smooth. The cab is very well laid out and it’s very comfortable to operate. JCB machines fit the bill for us perfectly. They’re built in the UK, our local dealer is 10 minutes down the road and they perform excellently on our type of work.”

The JCB 150X benefits from: a wider operator cab affording all-day comfort, incredible in cab noise reductions of up to 68% and modern styling with durable strike points to reduce total ownership cost. Increased diameter high-flow pipework reduces system losses and boosts efficiency while there is a 6% productivity improvement in terms of tonnes per litre.


标签: JCB 挖掘机 150X
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