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JCB获评United Rentals年度最佳供应商
2021-02-03 来源:中国工程机械商贸网

JCB北美公司被United Rentals租赁公司评为2020年度最佳供应商。该奖项旨在表彰JCB杰出的价值、及时的交付以及在产品支持、培训和采购等方面的卓越表现。这是JCB连续第二年获得此项荣誉。

JCB北美公司直销副总裁安德里亚·惠兰(Andrea Whelan)表示:“连续第二年被评为United Rentals公司的年度供应商,这是JCB的一项杰出成就。JCB已经与该公司合作20多年,并将继续为其提供支持。该奖项是对团队所付出的努力的认可。”

自公司于1997年成立以来,JCB就为United Rentals提供了各种建筑设备和物料搬运设备。

“祝贺JCB被评为2020年度供应商。 United Rentals公司供应链副总裁Mahoney。 “众所周知,2020年充满了不确定性。我们感谢JCB能够持续寻找新方法来支持我们的团队在现场的工作。无论是通过虚拟产品安装和培训活动,还是通过新的疫情安全程序,JCB都继续通过其产品和客户支持为我们做出了卓越的奉献。”


JCB named Supplier of the Year by United

By Lindsey Anderson

JCB North America has been named 2020 Supplier of the Year by United Rentals. The award recognizes JCB for outstanding value, timely delivery, product support, training and procurement excellence. This is the second year in a row that JCB has been recognized with this achievement.

“Being recognized for the second year in a row as the United Rentals Supplier of the Year is an outstanding achievement for JCB and a tremendous recognition in particular during this challenging year,” said Andrea Whelan, vice president for direct sales at JCB North America. “Our team at JCB is proud to continue to support our partner of over 20 years, and this award is an acknowledgement of the hard work and commitment the team provides.”

JCB has supplied United Rentals with a large range of construction equipment and material handlers since the company was founded in 1997.

“I would like to congratulate JCB for being named the 2020 United Rentals Supplier of the Year. said T.J. Mahoney, vice president of supply chain for United Rentals. “As we all know, 2020 brought a year of uncertainty. We thank JCB for their ability to consistently find new ways to support our teams in the field and at our service loCATions. Whether it be through virtual product installations and training events or new [Covid-19] safety procedures, JCB has continued to show perseverance and dediCATion to excellence through their products and customer support.”


标签: JCB 租赁 荣誉
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  JCB中国成立于2004年8月,并于2006年在上海浦东建成投资2470万美金的中国工厂,通过引进国际先进的技术为中国制造JCB著名产品。  JCB位于上海的中国工厂,作为JCB全球22家工厂之一,设施先进-配有配有研发中心,生产车间,销售和服务中心,技术培训基地,大中国区配件中心和演示基地。这个本土生产基地确保我们针对中国市场需要制造专门的产品和提供完善的服务。  JCB中国将建立完善的经销商网络,提供令客户满意的销售、服务和配件支持。  现代化生产基地为中国客户提供JCB著名产品  研发中心专为满足中国客户需求而不断升级产品链  经过严格培训的售后服务工程师为您的业务提供广泛的支持与后备  大中国配件中心存储纯正的JCB部件并能根据客户需求快速发送  技术培训基地为客户提供操作人员培训和设备现场演示  24小时客户服务热线确保客户需求得到即时回应  覆盖全国的经销商网络为客户提供完善服务
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