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2021-01-28 来源:中国工程机械商贸网





神钢意大利业务经理Marco Ferroni表示:“神钢广泛的挖掘机产品线非常适合意大利,因为我们涵盖了从最小的小型住宅和基础设施到最大的拆卸和建筑机械的所有产品。尽管2020年上半年对小型和中型机器有所需求,但我们相信,在我们一些新的和最大的经销商的带领下,未来的重点将放在一些大型机器上。”

神钢还任命了FTS和Yamoter作为其在西西里岛的小型和重型挖掘机的销售和服务商,同时还扩大了其Sergio Bassan和Domenichini Group分销商的区域覆盖范围。

Sergio Bassan总部位于意大利东北部,是意大利最早的授权经销商之一,现在其业务范围除维罗纳、威尼斯以及伦巴第和罗马涅的部分地区外,还将覆盖撒丁岛的卡利亚里省。 神钢表示,这一变化将使经销商可以通过专门的分支机构来加强其销售和售后服务。

此外,神钢的分销商Domenichini Group最初覆盖了意大利中部地区翁布里亚,现在已经扩大了在马尔凯地区的业务。该公司计划扩大其租赁设备的机队,现在能够为客户提供更快的服务。


Kobelco expands operations in Italy

By Leila Steed

Kobelco Construction Machinery Europe (KCME) has expanded its operations in Italy. The Japan-based company, which described Italy as one of the most important markets for excavators, alongside Germany, France and the UK, has added EMAC as one of three new Italian dealers and has also increased the regional coverage of its existing dealers.

Kobelco's Italian equipment dealer EMAC

EMAC will offer a range of the Kobelco construction machinery, including demolition equipment.

The company said that it had found the Covid-affected start of 2020 difficult, but the Italian government’s infrastructure-focused recovery plan had significantly increased the need for construction equipment later in the year.

EMAC, a family-owned company established in the 1960s, will now act as KCME’s dealer in the Lombardia region. With a focus on the Bergamo and Brescia provinces, the company will offer a range of the manufacturer’s construction machinery, including its demolition equipment. According to KCME, EMAC has recently sold a number of large Kobelco excavators, its SK550DLC-10 and SK400DLC-10 demolition and recycling models.

Marco Ferroni, KCME business manager for Italy, said, “Kobelco’s extensive excavator line-up is ideal for Italy as we cover everything from the smallest minis for residential and infrastructure work, to the largest machines for demolition and construction. While mini and midi machines were in demand in the first half of 2020, we believe that the future focus will be on some of these larger machines, led by some of our new and largest dealers.”

While KCME has also appointed both FTS and Yamoter as sales and service providers for its mini and heavy excavators in Sicily, it has also expanded the regional coverage of its Sergio Bassan and Domenichini Group distributors.

Based in north-east Italy and one of KCME’s first authorised dealers in the country, Sergio Bassan will now cover the Cagliari province in Sardinia in addition to Verona, Venice and parts of Lombardy and Romagna. KCME said the change would enable the dealer to strengthen its sales and aftersales service with a dediCATed branch.

In addition, KCME’s Domenichini Group distributor, which initially covered Umbria, now has expanded operations in the Marche region. The company, which has plans to expand its rental equipment fleet, will now be able to offer customers a faster service.

EMAC joins Kobelco’s dealer network, which includes Bruno Gruppo - the largest official Kobelco dealer in Italy, covering 16 of the country’s southern provinces.


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