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利勃海尔港口起重机LHM 550销量高达 300台
2022-03-14 来源:港口装卸机械

波兰格但斯克 Eksploatacja SA 港最近接收了自 2010 年推出该型号以来建造的第 300 台利勃海尔 LHM 550 移动式港口起重机

Port Gdańsk Eksploatacja SA in Poland recently took delivery of the 300th Liebherr LHM 550 mobile harbour crane built since this model was introduced in 2010

所提供的起重机具有 48m 的吊臂长度和高达 104 吨的起重能力。它是一种 4 绳索起重机,主要用于散装装卸 - 焦炭、煤炭和废金属。“我们在早期阶段对起重机操作员进行了培训,并提前在港区实施了广泛的现代化措施,以便我们能够尽可能快速和高效地使用机器,”格但斯克港 Eksploatacja 董事会主席 Rados?aw Stojek 说。

The crane supplied has a boom length of 48m and a lifting capacity of up to 104 tonnes. It is a 4-rope crane that will primarily be used for bulk handling - coke, coal and scrap metal. "We trained our crane operators at an early stage and carried out extensive modernisation measures in the port area in advance so that we could use the machine as quickly and as efficiently as possible," said Rados?aw Stojek, Chairman of the Board of Port Gdańsk Eksploatacja SA.

第一台 LHM 550 于 2010 年首次交付给科威特,标志着利勃海尔成功故事的开始。它是利勃海尔 LHM 产品组合中最畅销的起重机,并且每年都提供两位数的数量。去年提供了 26 台 LHM 550,其中超过 30% 配备了电动主驱动装置。

The first delivery of the first LHM 550 was to Kuwait in 2010, marking the beginning of a Liebherr success story. It is the best-selling crane in Liebherr’s LHM portfolio and every year a double-digit number has been supplied. Last year 26 LHM 550s were supplied, of which more than 30% with an electric main drive.

在每个国家/地区的销量方面,印度以 23 台销量领先,紧随其后的是意大利和美国。

In terms of sales per country, India leads the ranking with 23 units sold, closely followed by Italy and the USA.

LHM 550 可用于散料或一般货物装卸,也可用于集装箱装卸,并且可以使用高达 154 吨的重型升降机。统计数据显示,大量利勃海尔客户将 LHM 550 用于多种应用。超过 200 台移动式港口起重机可以进行两种或三种装卸功能,其中大多数用于散料和集装箱装卸。

The LHM 550 can be used for bulk or general cargo handling as well as for container handling and heavy-duty lifts of up to 154 tonnes are possible. Statistics show that a large number of Liebherr customers use the LHM 550 for several appliCATions. Well over 200 of the units sold are used for at least two or three appliCATions. Of these, most are used for bulk and container handling.

标签: 港口 产品 资讯
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