中国工程机械商贸网 资讯中心 企业
2021-12-31 来源:港口装卸机械

国际集装箱码头服务公司 (ICTSI) 和 Société de Gestion du Port Autonome de Toamasina (SPAT) 签署了为期 15 年的马达加斯加国际集装箱码头特许经营权延期协议。

International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) and Société de Gestion du Port Autonome de Toamasina (SPAT) signed a 15-year extension of the concession for the Madagascar International Container Terminal.

特许权延期从 2025 年到 2040 年。自 2005 年以来,ICTSI 一直通过其全资子公司马达加斯加国际集装箱码头服务有限公司 (MICTSL) 持有特许权。

The concession extension runs from 2025 through to 2040. ICTSI has held the concession since 2005 through its wholly owned subsidiary Madagascar International Container Terminal Services Limited (MICTSL).

延期协议由 SPAT 主席 Valery Ramonjavelo 和 ICTSI 高级副总裁兼 EMEA 负责人 Hans-Ole Madsen 在交通和气象部长、司法部长和外交部长的陪同下签署。

The extension agreement was signed by Valery Ramonjavelo, SPAT chairman, and Hans-Ole Madsen, ICTSI senior vice president and head of EMEA in presence of the Minister of Transport and Meteorology, Minster of Justice, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“我们非常感谢安德里·拉乔利纳总统阁下、马达加斯加政府和 SPAT 及时且结构合理的港口扩建计划。我们很自豪能与 SPAT 和所有相关方合作,继续提供最先进的集装箱处理能力和服务,”ICTSI 高级副总裁兼欧洲、中东和非洲地区负责人 Hans-Ole Madsen 说。

“We are very grateful to His Excellency, President Andry Rajoelina, the Government of Madagascar and SPAT for the timely and well-structured port expansion programme. We are proud to work with SPAT and all involved parties to continue to deliver state-of-the-art container handling capacity and service,” said Hans-Ole Madsen, ICTSI senior vice president and head of EMEA.

图阿马西纳港是马达加斯加的主要海上门户,在其任期内 MICTSL与 SPAT 合作,增加了容量并简化了服务,以满足马达加斯加多样化进出口社区的需求。

The Port of Toamasina is the main maritime gateway for Madagascar and throughout its tenure MICTSL, working in conjunction with SPAT, has added capacity and streamlined services in line with the needs of Madagascar’s perse import and export community.

值得注意的是,特许权延期补充了目前在图阿马西纳进行的 6.39 亿美元的港口扩建项目——其中 4.11 亿美元由日本国际协力机构 (JICA) 提供,2.27 亿美元由马达加斯加政府提供。

Significantly, the concession extension complements the $639m port expansion project now underway in Toamasina – with $411m provided by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and $227m by the Government of Madagascar.

一个新的 756 米集装箱泊位,吃水为 -16 米,并配备了岸边集装箱起重机,对于将船舶尺寸增加到 14,000 teu 的计划至关重要。

A new 756-metre container berth, with a draught of -16 metres alongside and equipped with ship-to-shore container gantries, is central to plans to provide for increases of vessel size up to a capacity of 14,000 teu.

陆侧基础设施的改进将增加一个 15 公顷的集装箱堆场以及一个新的门综合设施、一个现代化的车间和广泛的安全基础设施。冷藏箱容量将从目前的 120 个插头扩展到 +400 个插头。

Infrastructure improvements on the landside will see the addition of a 15-hectare container yard as well as a new gate complex, a modern workshop and extensive security infrastructure. Reefer capacity will be extended from the present 120 plugs to +400 plugs.

MICTSL 处理马达加斯加年集装箱吞吐量的 90% 以上。

MICTSL handles over 90% of the Madagascar’s annual container throughput.

标签: ICTSI 特许权 延期
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