中国工程机械商贸网 资讯中心 动态
2021-08-30 来源:中国工程机械商贸网

根据专业咨询公司Off-Highway Research的最新预测,今年全球建筑设备销量预计将创下113万台的历史新高,总价值近1100亿美元。

今年113万台的销量将比 2018年创下的111万台销量的历史记录高 2%。




由于中国的各省级政府在2020年发行的专项债券为基础设施支出和其他刺激措施筹集了资金,中国市场上涨了30%,这种增长一直持续到2021年第一季度,此后中国市场已经放缓。预计全年销量将下降 2%,但与往年的情况相比,中国市场的销量仍将保持在非常高的水平。






Off-Highway Research董事总经理Chris Sleight表示:“过去6到9个月,全球设备销量的反弹令人震惊。虽然这是个好消息,但行业在满足市场需求方面仍面临许多挑战,包括供应链限制以及航运和其他物流方面的瓶颈。他说“我相信,如果没有这些,今年的销量可能会比我们预测的纪录还要高。然而,比较乐观的是,目前的上涨势头应该会延续到2022年。”


‘Record’ construction sales predicted for 2021

By Andy Brown

Global construction equipment sales are expected to hit a record high of 1.13 million units, with a value of almost US$110 billion this year, according to updated forecasts from specialist consultant Off-Highway Research.

This figure of 1.13 million units this year would be 2% higher than the previous record of 1.11 million machines, which was achieved in 2018.

This peak in sales was not forecast before the Covid-19 pandemic – Off-Highway believes the record-high will come about due to the stimulus response to the virus by governments around the world, most significantly in China.

A programme of special bond issues by provincial governments in 2020 to raise funds for infrastructure spending and other stimulus saw the Chinese market rise 30%. That growth continued into the first quarter of 2021, but the Chinese market has slowed since. A 2% decline in sales is expected for the year as a whole, but volumes in China will remain at a very high level in historic terms.

While China is slowing, the rebound in many other parts of the world is proving more robust than was anticipated at the start of this year. The European market is projected to rise 15% in 2021, as opposed to the previous forecast of single-digit growth. This should see volumes rebound to similar levels to the cyclical high which was seen in 2019.

Likewise, the forecast for North America has been upgraded to a 13% increase. While this will not see it regain the highs of 2019, these levels should be reached and surpassed in the following years.

A modest 1% rise in construction equipment sales is now forecast for Japan in 2021, as opposed to the previous expectation of a downturn. This rise will build on the modest increase in sales which was seen in 2020 as the government increased spending on public works and take the market to its highest since the early 2010s.

However, the forecast for India has been downgraded from the previously expected 15% increase to an 11% rise in sales this year. This is due to the second wave of Covid infections which swept through the country in the second quarter of 2021.

The outlook for the rest of the world remains unchanged, with the expectation of a 6% rise in sales this year.

Off-Highway Research managing director, Chris Sleight, said, “The global rebound in equipment sales over the last six to nine months has been striking. While this is excellent news, the industry still faces many challenges in meeting this demand, including supply chain constraints and bottlenecks around shipping and other logistics.

“I believe that, without these, sales this year might have been even higher than the record volumes we are predicting. However, the positive in this is that the current buoyancy should extend well into 2022 as a result.”


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