中国工程机械商贸网 资讯中心 企业 山推印记丨1986年,山推开启海外征途的里程碑
2024-07-25 10:50:55 来源:山推股份      推荐品牌:山推


In the 1980s, with the reform and opening up, China's construction machinery industry ushered in unprecedented development opportunities. Against this background, Shantui embarked on the journey of exploring the international market with a forward-looking vision and keen market insight.


1986 was a milestone year for Shantui. This year, Shantui successfully exported a bulldozer to Cuba, which was not only the first product exported in Shantui's history, but also the starting point of its internationalization journey. Although Shantui was still a novice in the overseas market at that time and its technical system was still immature, this brave attempt not only allowed Shantui's products to enter theinternationamarket, but also accumulated valuable experience in the experience of the international market, which laida solid foundation for future development.


Since then, Shantui has been well aware that technological innovation is the core driving force of corporate development. Therefore, the company has continuously increased its R&D investment and is committed to technological breakthroughs and product innovation. From the initial introduction and absorption to today's independent innovation, Shantui has made remarkable achievements in the fields of construction machinery such as bulldozers, rollers, and loaders. Especially in recent years, Shantui has been at the forefront of the industry in the fields of new energy and intelligence, and has launched a number of high-end products with independent intellectual property rights, realizing the transformation from "learning" to "CATching up" and even "leading".


From its initial overseas exploration to its current global leadership, Shantui has written a magnificent epic of the international development of China's construction machinery industry with its practical actions. In the future, Shantui will continue to focus on the core value of "We aim at customers' satisfaction", continuously promote technological progress and service upgrades, provide global customers with better products and services, and win more respect and praise for "Made in China".

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  山推工程机械股份有限公司前身是成立于1952年的烟台机器厂,在1980年由济宁机器厂、济宁通用机械厂、济宁动力机械厂组建山东推土机总厂,属于国有股份制上市公司,总部在山东省济宁市,总占地面积2700多亩。产品覆盖推土机系列、道路机械系列、混凝土机械系列、装载机系列、挖掘机系列等十多类主机产品和底盘件、传动部件、结构件等工程机械配套件。现年生产能力达到1万台推土机、6000台道路机械、500台混凝土搅拌站、15万条履带总成、100万件工程机械“四轮”、8万台套液力变矩器、2万台套变速箱。推土机连续十六年全球产销量第一,是全球建设机械制造商50强、中国制造业500强。  山推拥有健全的销售体系,完善的营销服务网络,产品远销海外160多个国家和地区。在全国建有27家办事处,53家代理,设立320个营销网点。在海外发展代理及经销商100余家,先后在南非、阿联酋、俄罗斯、巴西、美国等地设立了十余个海外分支机构。在服务模式上,山推股份以“打造最关注客户个性化需求、最关注服务的企业”为目标,为客户提供一体化施工解决方案,人性化、智能化的优质服务赢得了客户口碑,提升了企业的品牌价值。  近年来,山推坚持用科技创新推动可持续发展,致力于远程遥控、智能网联、大马力产品等领域的研究,引领行业前行。2019年,全球首台5G远程遥控大马力推土机实现商业化,5G技术应用和智能制造水平进一步提升;全国最大马力推土机顺利交付客户,填补了国内大马力推土机的技术空白,为大马力推土机国产化奠定了基础。同时数字化转型取得阶段性成果,通过5G网络打造的智能工厂日渐成熟,自主设计的智能生产线和装配检测设备投产应用。  未来,山推工程机械股份有限公司将努力打造推土机、道路机械、装载机、挖掘机、混凝土机械国际一流品牌,成为新能源、智能装备的领航者,具有核心技术的工程机械制造商。
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  山推工程机械股份有限公司前身是成立于1952年的烟台机器厂,在1980年由济... 查看全部